Tuesday 12 May 2020

Astavinayak 4th : Shree Varadvinayak Ganpati at Mahad

Astavinayak 4th :  
Shree Varad Vinayak Ganpati at Mahad

About Varad Vinayak Ganpati 

          It is located in Mahad samll town situated in Khalapur taluka near Karjat and Khopoli of Raigad District, Maharastra, India. Varad Vinayak Ganpati or Mahad Ganpati Temple, also spelt as Varadavinayaka Mahad, is one of the Ashtavinayak temples of the Hindu deity Lord Ganesha
        The Varadvinayak Mahad Ganpati Temple/Mandir is the Seventh Ganesha temple among Ashtavinayak to be visited during the Ashtavinayak Darshan yatra/tour. The idol at the VaradVinayak Mahad Ganpati Temple is Swyambhu murti and the temple is actually recognised as a Math.The temple is very simply designed with a tiled roof, a dome 25 feet high with golden pinnacle and a golden summit (Kalas) which has a carving of a cobra (also a deity revered by Hindus). The Temple is 8 feet long and 8 feet broad.
        The original idol of Varadvinayak can be seen outside the sanctum. Since the idol was in a badly weathered condition, the temple trustees immersed that idol and consecrated a new idol in that place. However, such a decision of trustees was objected by few people and a suit was filed in the district court. Result of this case is still awaited. Now two idols, one inside the sanctum and one outside the sanctum can be seen. The sanctum made up of stone and surrounded by beautifully carved stone elephant carvings, houses the idol.
        Lord Ganesha is said to reside here in the form of varada Vinayaka, the giver of bounty and success. This Ashta Vinayak shrine faces east (Purvabhimukh) and is enshrined in the sitting posture, with his trunk turned towards the left. The stone idols of Riddhi and Siddhi are seen in the sanctum. Lord Ganesha as Varad Vinayak fulfills all desires and grants all boons.

       A Gomukh is seen on the north side of the temple from which flows the holy water. A holy pond is situated on the west side of the temple. This temple also has the idol of Mushika, Navagraha Devtas and Shivalinga.In the month of Bhadrapad shuddh (the waxing period) from first day to panchami and in the month of Magh shuddh till panchami, major festivals are celebrated in this temple.

          Shree Dhondu Paudkar in 1690 A.D. found the swayambhu idol of Shree Varadvinayak in a lake. This idol was kept in a nearly goddess temple for some time. The famed Varad Vinayak temple was built in 1725 by peshava sardar Ramji Mahadev Biwalkar and he gifted this to the village. The structure of the temple looks like an ordinary house. The mysterious idol of lord Ganesh was found under the well behind temple, and this is the main center of attraction. There is a Gomukh towards nort, a visage of a cow from which flows the tirth holy water.
          A unique feature of Mahad Varadvinayak Temple is a lamp (Nandadeep) that is glowing continually since 1892 (107 years). Legend has it that the childless king, Bhima of Koudinyapur and his wife met the sage Vishwamitra while they had come to forest for penance. Vishwamitra gave the king a mantra (incantataion) Ekashar Gajana Mantra to chant and thus his son and heir, prince Rukmaganda was born. Rukmaganda grew up into a beautiful young prince.
          One day, on a hunting trip Rukmaganda stopped at the hermitage of Rishi Vachaknavi. The Rishi's wife, Mukunda, fell in love at the sight of the handsome prince and asked him to fulfill her desires. The virtuous prince flatly refused and left the ashram. Mukunda became very lovesick. Knowing her plight, King Indra took the form of Rukmaganda and made love to her. Mukunda became pregnant and gave birth to a son Gritsamada.
          In time, when Gritsamada learned of the circumstances of his birth, he cursed his mother to become the unattractive, thorny berry-bearing "Bhor" plant. Mukunda in turn cursed Gritsamada that a cruel rakshas (demon) will be born from him. Suddenly they both heard a heavenly voice saying, "Gritsamada is the son of Indra", leaving them both shocked, but too late to alter their respective curses. Mukunda was transformed into the Bhor plant. Gritsamada, ashamed and penitent, retreated to the Pushpak forest where he prayed for a reprieve to Lord Ganesh (Ganapati).
Lord Ganesha was pleased by Gritsamada's penance and offered him a boon that he will bear a son who would not be defeated by anybody other than Shankara (Shiva). Gritsamada asks Ganesh to bless the forest, so that any devotees who pray here will be successful, and also urged Ganesha to stay there permanently and asked for knowledge of Brahma. Gritsamada built a temple there and the Ganesha idol installed there is called Varadavinayaka. Today the forest is known as Bhadraka. This temple is now believed to be the temple at Mahad. Gritsamav is known as the creator of the Ganana Twam mantra.It is said that if the coconut received as prasad during Maghi Chaturthi is consumed, one will be blessed with a son. Hence the temple is especially full with devotees during Maghi Utsav.

How to reach? 
Address: Mahad, Taluka Khalapur Khopoli, District, Mahad, Maharashtra - 410202

Mahad Varadvinayak Ganpati Temple By Road:
Mahad Varadvinayak Ganpati Temple at Mahad is 63 km from Mumbai, 85 km from pune, 25 km from Karjat, 21 km from lonavala and 6 km from Khopoli. The temple is 1.5 kms off the Mumbai – Pune old Highway. Mahad Bus Station, operated by Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (MSRTC), connects the place with other major towns such as Khopoli, Mahabaleshwar, Karjat, Alibag, and Shivthar Ghal. Mahad can also be reached via Mumbai – Panvel – Khopoli road.

 Mahad Varadvinayak Ganpati Temple by Train:
Khopoli/Karjat Railway Station on central railway line is the nearest railway station for Mahad Ganpati Temple. All express trains stops at Karjat station.

 Mahad Varadvinayak Ganpati Temple by Air:
Mumbai Airport/Pune Airport is the nearest airbase. Both are on almost equal distance from Mahad Ganpati Temple (75-80 km).

चौथा गणपती - महाडचा श्री वरदविनायक | Varadavinayak Temple, Mahad

वरदविनायक या रूंपात हा गणपती सर्व इच्छा-आकांक्षा पूर्ण करून आशीर्वाद प्रदान करतो. पुणे-मुंबई महामार्गापासून तीन किमी दूर खोपोली जवळ आणि पुण्याहून ८० किमी दूर हे मंदिर मुंबईच्या जवळ स्थित आहे. पालीपासून दोन तासांच्या अंतरावर खोपोलीजवळ इमॅॅजिका मार्गे महामार्गावरून उत्तरेकडे सरळ आणि खोपोलीच्या आधी हे मंदिर वसलेले आहे

श्री क्षेत्र वरदविनायकाची कथा

आख्यायिकेनुसार कौन्डीन्यपूरचा सम्राट भीम आणि त्याची राणी यांना मूल नव्हते. ऋषी विश्वामित्र हे जंगलात तपस्या करीत होते. त्यांना भेटायला ते दोघे गेले. तेव्हा विश्वामित्र यांनी त्यांना एकाक्षर गणेश मंत्र त्यांना दिला. त्या मंत्राच्या जपामुळे त्यांना रुक्मंद नावाचा सुपुत्र झाला. राजकुमार रुक्मंद लवकरच लहानाचा मोठा झाला.
राजकुमार एकदा शिकारीला जंगलात गेला असता ऋषी वाचक्नवी यांच्या आश्रमात राहिला. तेव्हा ऋषींची पत्नी मुकुंदा राजकुमार रुकंद याच्या प्रेमात पडली. पण राजकुमाराने तिचे प्रेम स्वीकारण्यास नकार दिला आणि तो आश्रम सोडून निघून गेला. मुकुंदा राजकुमारासाठी झुरत असलेली पाहून इंद्राने रुक्मंद याचा वेश धारण केला आणि तो मुकुंदाकडे गेला. त्यातून मुकुंदाला दिवस गेले आणि तिने ग्रीत्सम्द नावाच्या मुलाला जन्म दिला. ग्रीत्सम्द याला जेंव्हा आपल्या जन्माविषयी समजले तेंव्हा तो आपल्या आईला शाप देतो आणि पुष्पक अरण्यात जाऊन तपस्या करू लागतो. त्याच्या तपाने गणपती प्रसन्न होतो आणि त्याला सांगतो की त्याला एक अतिशय धाडसी मुलगा होईल ज्याला केवळ भगवान शंकर हरवू शकतील.
ग्रीत्सम्द याने गणपतीला तेथेच कायमचा निवास करण्यास सांगितले आणि ब्रम्हज्ञान देण्याची विनंती केली. आज त्या जंगलाला भद्रका असे म्हणतात. ग्रीत्सम्द याने त्या जागी गणपतीचे मंदिर बांधले आणि तिथे स्थापना केलेल्या गणपतीला वरदविनायक म्हणतात. असे मानले जाते की माघी चतुर्थीला जर इथे प्रसाद म्हणून मिळालेला नारळ खाल्ल्याने पुत्र प्राप्ती होते. त्यामुळे माघी उत्सवात या अष्टविनायकाच्या देवळात भक्त अतिशय गर्दी करतात.

श्री वरदविनायक मंदिर आणि परिसर  

१९८० मध्ये श्री धोंडू पौडकर यांना मूर्ती तळ्यात सापडली होती. ही देवळाच्या गाभाऱ्याच्या बाहेर आहे. मूर्तीची अवस्था एकदम वाईट होती, म्हणूनच देवळाच्या ट्रस्टींनी तिचे विसर्जन केले आणि त्याजागी नवीन मूर्तीची स्थापना केली. काही लोकांनी यावर हरकत घेतली आणि कोर्टात केस दाखल केली. म्हणून आता इथे आपल्याला दोन मुर्त्या दिसतात, एक गाभाऱ्याच्या बाहेर आणि एक गाभाऱ्याच्या आंत. एक मूर्ती आहे जी शेंदुराने माखलेली असून तिची सोंड डावीकडे आहे आणि दुसरी आहे ती शुभ्र संगमरवरी असून तिची सोंड उजवीकडे आहे. गाभाऱ्यात प्रवेश केल्यावर सर्वप्रथम रिद्धी आणि सिद्धी यांच्या मुर्त्या दिसतात आणि मग गणपतीच्या दोन मुर्त्या. या मुर्त्या पूर्वाभिमुख आहेत. या देवळात एक नंदादीप अखंड तेवत आहे. असे म्हणतात की हा नंदादीप १८९२ पासून अखंड जळतो आहे. मंदिराच्या चारी बाजूला ४ हत्तींचे पुतळे आहेत. मंदिराचा हॉल ८० फुट लांब आणि ८० फुट रुंद असून शिखराची उंची २५ फुट असून ते सोनेरी आहे. शिखरावर नागाची नक्षी आहे.
हे एकच असे मंदिर आहे जिथे भक्त मूर्तीच्या जवळ जाऊन स्वतः नैवेद्य दाखवू शकतात.

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