Friday 15 May 2020



       Khandoba, also known as Martanda Bhairava and Malhari, is a Hindu god, worshipped as a form of Shiva, mainly in the Deccan plateau of India, especially in the states of Maharashtra and Karnataka. He is the most popular Kuladaivat in Maharashtra. He is also the patron deity of warrior, farming, herding as well as some Brahmin (priest) castes, the hunters and gatherers of the hills and forests. The cult of Khandoba has linkages with Vaishnava and Jain traditions, and also assimilates all communities irrespective of caste, including Muslims. Khandoba is sometimes identified with Mallanna of Andhra Pradesh and Mailara of Karnataka. The worship of Khandoba developed during the 9th and 10th centuries from a folk deity into a composite god possessing the attributes of Shiva, Bhairava, Surya and Karttikeya (Skanda). He is depicted either in the form of a Lingam, or as an image of a warrior riding on a bull or a horse. The foremost centre of Khandoba worship is Jejuri in Maharashtra. The legends of Khandoba, found in the text Malhari Mahatmya and also narrated in folk songs, revolve around his victory over demons Mani-malla and his marriages.

Though Shiva is worshipped across Maharashtra in his original form, some Maharashtrian communities prefer to worship him in form of his avatars, Khandoba being the most popular. He is the most popular Kuldevta (family deity) in Maharashtra. One of the most widely worshipped gods of the Deccan plateau, Khandoba is considered as "the premier god of Sakama bhakti (wish-granting devotion) and one of the most powerful deities responsive to vows (navas)". He is worshipped by the vast majority of Marathi Hindu people from all strata of that society. He is the patron deity of warrior, farming, herding as well as some Brahmin (priest) castes, the hunters and gatherers of the hills and forests, merchants and kings.

Why Turmeric is used in jejuri?

For the devotees at Jejuri, turmeric signifies gold. Therefore, throwing turmeric around symbolizes the gold and riches that Lord Khandoba should bless them with. ... Several paintings depict him riding a horse with a bowl full of turmeric powder just as the Sun God.

कौन थे खंडोबा...

खंडोबा को भगवान शिव का अवतार माना जाता है। ऐसी मान्यता है कि पृथ्वी पर मल्ल और मणि राक्षस के अत्याचार बढ़ने के बाद उन्हें खत्म करने भगवान शिव ने मार्तंड भैरव का अवतार लिया था।
- यह मंदिर एक छोटी-सी पहाड़ी पर है। यहां पहुंचने के लिए भक्तों को करीब 200 सीढ़ियां चढ़नी पड़ती हैं।
- चढ़ाई करते समय मंदिर के प्रांगण में स्थित दीपमाला का मनमोहक दृश्य देखने को मिलता है।
- यहां होने वाले हल्दी उत्सव से पहले खंडोबा भगवान की शोभायात्रा निकाली जाती है।
क्या है इस मंदिर में...

- मंदिर के देवता खंडोबा की प्रतिमा एक घोड़े की सवारी करते हुए एक योद्धा के रूप में यहां विराजमान है। उनके हाथ में राक्षसों को मारने के लिए एक बड़ी खड्ग (तलवार) है।
- खंडोबा नाम, खड्ग शस्त्र के नाम से ही लिया गया है। कुछ लोग खंडोबा को शिव, भैरव (शिव का रूप ) मानते हैं।

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